Meet Angie from konfettidecor


Greetings HWB readers;

Please help us welcome this week’s Industry changer, Angie (Wedding Planner) of KonfettiDecor – Haiti.

Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself ?

My name is Angie and I have been a wedding planner at KonfettiDecor for 10 years. Studied abroad, attended many seminars as well on event management. Love what I do and do it with dedication, discipline and passion.

What’s a normal weekend like for you?

Weekends for us are our busiest time of the week. Weekends are all about execution. We work months sometimes years in advance towards one goal which is delivering an amazing event for our clients and their guests. It’s a no days off business with long hours and sleepless nights.

 What inspired you to start your wedding planning business?

Decorating, Designing a wedding is one thing but being able to provide assistance and allowing the bride to be carefree, stress free is based on communication and trust. We love being in charge and take great joy in assisting others especially when they are not from Haiti. We have worked with African brides, Americans. Brides from Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Philipines therefore clearly they do not know the market and do not know where to start and how to manage. We want to make sure that every bride as the best experience allowing them to experience Haiti as well.

What are some of the challenges you face in the wedding industry?

Not having the material needed available in the country. Having to order most of our items from the states or the DR. Especially the flowers.  It makes our tasks more difficult to handle with more risks.

Dealing with couples is not easy how do you stay motivated?

I love dealing with couples. We are blessed with the best clients and seeing them so happy at the end makes it even more worth it

What are three things that no one tells you about being an wedding planner?

At this point I must say that we have seen a whole lot. With different cultures and personalities and expectations. You must always remain calm in order to preserve your hair (ha ha ha) and focus on the event and its success.

What advice would you give to a upcoming wedding planner?

Communication is key. Always state your tasks clearly, never assume that the client knows. Never assume that it is obvious. Always repeat the same message to each client as it may be your 100th wedding it is their very first and they have no idea what they are embarking into.

What’s Next For you and your business?

Offer seminars in Haiti for those interested. We believe that education is very important and with a better comprehension of the profession both clients and planners will have a easier route together. It will also break that culture barrier that doesn’t fully understand the importance of the wedding planner ( a real professional one ) 🙂

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